Elite:Dangerous Resources
Please post suggested additions & edits to our Discord channel #resources
or directly to CMDR Apis_Levitans
Official Elite:Dangerous forum
Love it, hate it, but do not ignore it!
Multi-topic sites:
- https://inara.cz (CMDR log, Engineering info, system/market info, player group signup and info, fleet management)
- http://edcodex.info/(link list for E:D tools)
- https://eddb.io (trade route search, system data)
Tools (local installation required)
- Elite Dangerous Market Connector
pulls system/station/CMDR data and feeds into Inara or eddb - ED Engineer
managing your data and material stock, create data/material "shopping" lists - ED Pathfinder
advanced route planning; CMDR Neotron, EIC
User Interface guides
- https://imgur.com/a/i7KFV#baK8DPB
(explanation of the ships' cockpit) - Video guide: The cockpit HUD
User interface modifications
General BGS
Mining Ship Builds:
Budget Asp: https://tinyurl.com/yyux9foz
Max Asp: https://tinyurl.com/yybyk8w
Maur 's Max Asp: http://tinyurl.com/y652xw9b
Python: https://tinyurl.com/y3tkwp7d
Maur 's Python: http://tinyurl.com/yxmvdlhp
Combat Builds:
PVE - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jWtNMRHulYtDyCg-gbvuZ_7mAIkwbyoRnP07k3JiGZU/edit
PVP - https://docs.google.com/document/d/108hNUfUZJuAgCNQrjmpX14j7qv4k3TloETnwhzIMwLk/edit#
Ship Info:
Damage - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/246086-Official-FDev-Damage-Stats-for-Every-Weapon
List of ship build templates designed for jump range
Fleet carriers
- CMDRs toolbox offer a variety of tools, among these a FC cost calculator:
https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/fleet-carrier-calculator - Check Inara.cz for FC facilities near your location:
Engineering: Data and Materials
- Where to find materials and data
Either check the location hints on https://inara.cz/galaxy-components/ or use this poster:
https://np.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/eeanzv/material_finder_chart/?st=k4ia5n5r&sh=b4673542 - Scavenger 3.1 database - getting outdated, but still a good source for materials and data:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yo1iHP9KUXpoBaIzJsRsDxfAcQa7cBq0YUIFy3m2NII/edit#gid=585994681 - Dav's Hope
https://i.redd.it/jak5olaegui01.png - Other in-game locations for materials and data
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/430906-The-Other-Crashed-Anacondas - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/422621-MEF-As-much-as-you-want-
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380247288876105739/585101843865010176/Synuefe_NL-N_C23-4_Guardian_Structure.jpg - Data "Mining":
- CMDR Jameson Crashed Cobra
4 Data points to scan then log to menu for refresh, fast way to get a lot of Quality Data
E:D activities: Combat
Links from the Galactic Combat Initiative (GCI) Discord
If you're serious about improving your PvP skills the GCI Discord is a great place to start. It’s an open affiliation of PvP interested pilots from multiple groups (if you can stand the memes)
- GCI Discord - https://discord.gg/ChrWAvP
- PvP Essentials for Beginners - https://goo.gl/eLJyBv
- Wing Fighting Beginner's Guide - https://goo.gl/5sZEdZ
- Combat Modding Guide - https://goo.gl/epXjZr
- 2.3 Combat Build Guide - https://goo.gl/x5v5Rr
- PvE Combat Build Guide - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jWtNMRHulYtDyCg-gbvuZ_7mAIkwbyoRnP07k3JiGZU/edit#heading=h.15mx1zgwxwy4
E:D activities: Exploration
Space exploration
- App to plan profitable Exploration routes: https://github.com/neotron/EDPathFinder/releases/
- Track where you have been, see your ships, active days etc https://www.edsm.net/
- Use this tool to submit your data and view your logs in a beautiful way: https://github.com/EDDiscovery/EDDiscovery/releases
- Be aware that uploading scan data of precious findings to EDSM makes it public. Sell your data at a station before using EDDiscovery. It is fortunately very unlikely to happen, but someone could go to your special place, scan it and sell it before you.
- Planets to be expected in relation to star classes: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/exploration-rarities-and-statistics-what-you-should-look-for.533298/
- Settings to change if you are scanning for geysers, settlements etc. on planets https://imgur.com/a/8ttPh
- Reading a spectral analysis:
- Probe firing patterns for exploration
Planetary exploration
- E.D.I.S.O.N.
Tool for planetary exploration: - Video guide: Driving the SRV
CMDR Truder, EIC
Updated scan values, visual edition: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/136616206835777536/546134396340535296/HowMuchIsItWorth-Mr2_.jpg
- FSS = Scanned using FSS
- FSS+DSS = Scanned with FSS, mapped with DSS.
- FSS+FD+DSS = Above with First Discovery bonus.
Pattern for Firing Probes
EDISON - Elite Dangerous Improved Surface and Orbital Navigator
E.D.I.S.O.N simplyfies navigation in orbital flight or while driving on the surface by calculating the course to a destination without the need to type in your current location.
Neutron Scooping: -
Road To Riches :
online web application here: http://edtools.ddns.net/expl.php
E:D activities: Mining
Void Opal Mining
A Medium ship like a Python or AspX to move easily in and around the rocks:
For Cores you need:
- Detailed Surface Scanner (to see the Hotspots)
- Pulse Wave Scanner (to find the hot/brightest rocks)
- Prospector Limpet Controller (to ping it and see the fractures)
- Seismic Launcher (to fire charges into the cracks)
- Abrasion Blaster (to knock bits off)
- Collector Limpets (to pick bits up)
- Refinery (to turn bits into tons)
- Cargo space (for lots of limpets)
Check INARA Commodities for the current location for best selling price, should be around 1.6 million per ton
LTT 1349 Planet 3 has an Icy Ring with Void Opal Hotspots.
Kappa Fornacis 9 has a ring with 15 Hotspots, 5 of which are Void Opals.
All the metallic ring cores look the same https://i.redd.it/ptx2wpvm1o421.png
I found two really good videos on the new mining system, as well as a video on a few cheaper builds for starters which I used last night to put together my first miner. He explains it really well and calmly, I hope this will be of use, too!
Deep core mining
- Quick guide
Laser Mining
- Video tutorial to mapped laser mining
https://i.redd.it/syc5gqu8hp031.jpg - Classification: EIC only
beginner friendly LTD map courtesy of CMDR Kaytrox
Other resources
Kharakian - https://eicgaming.com/so-you-want-to-be-a-xenophobe/
Anti-Xeno Flight Manual (Includes medium ship builds)
AX Large ship guide (Includes large ship builds, some builds have A rated shields instead of Prismatics so you might want to tweak those) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qhious8ZpUl12D9GDXWyZInqs-BLzst3yHjemIqsH24/edit
AX Wing fighting guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wgTWjBPfCrVJ8vo1Dy3o0Dgy8xP-c9wLlPEGJ0ZUe7Y/edit
Module BP is SYNUEFE NL-N C23-4
Vehicle BP is SYNUEFE EU-Q C21-15 and ...
Ancient Key for that is SYNUEFE KU-F B44-4
E:D activities: Trading
Market Prices, Commodity/Module/Shipyard Availabilty:
- https://eddb.io (trade route search, system data)
- http://etn.io/ (trade route search and optimisation)
E:D activities: Piracy
- Uber's Guide to Pirating Low temperature Diamonds
https://youtu.be/gwEB86VXY-A - Looting Mega Ships
How to log into multiple accounts at the same time (Windows)
1) open Powershell as admin
2) copy-paste this in and change it as it's necessary: New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "<fake folder>" -Target "<game folder>" fake folder should be a normal path, with a non-existent last folder (the symlink will create it for you) C:\Games\last_folder game folder is where the launcher is, usually: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous
3) press ENTER
4) enjoy
List of real life East India Company ship names. http://www.mariners-l.co.uk/EICintro.htm
Also, pirate ship name generator from LHA http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=pirateshipnamer
CMDR Exigeous:
50 facts about Elite to blow your mind - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI976wPNddo
Grade 5 Materials - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Y6QN-RIcQ
EIC Trading Post - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HTeXRgt_Uo&
EIC synchronopsis
How did EIC originate? How did it evolve? Anything missing - please add a comment on this sheet!
https://tinyurl.com/BHEIC777 - This is the Spreadsheet link - putting together all points of interest in the EIC bubble, please take some time to update this. Particular emphasis on Res sites, but any POI you can find (like Neits) thats within our bubble please add it