East India Gaming Company


Bringing the Empire to your doorstep.

Welcome to EIC!

A revival of the East India Company of old, we are an Imperially-aligned Mercantile Trading Company that seek to expand Imperial influence through the manipulation of local governments to benefit the expansion of our own faction, a strong private military and the collaboration of like-minded morally flexible pilots.

We have many different pilots under our employ... traders and combat pilots, explorers and miners. We even have a thriving player trade market where we offer other players materials needed to unlock various engineers at a fair price. There's a job for all kinds of pilots with us.

As a community, we are a progressive community that promotes tolerance and inclusion. Bigotry or bias of any sort will not be tolerated.

Elite: Dangerous was the birthplace of this community and is our main focus. In addition we have expanded into other games and will continue to do so in the future.

News And Announcements

East India Company aquires controlling share of megaship ‘The Midas’

By Icarus Smith | September 7, 2017 |

East India Company aquires controlling share of megaship ‘The Midas.’ Harvestport, Kappa Fornacis, 07 September 3303 The East India Company, galactic leader in trade and logistics solutions, is thrilled to announce it’s aquisition of a controlling share of megaship ‘The Midas’. With it’s formidable cargo capacity and frameshift capability The Midas will further expand the range of services offered by EIC. Commenting on the latest aquisition the Chief Executive Officer of EIC, Jahena Yar Savor said, “We are delighted to have the crew of The Midas join our team. As a faction in control of 23 star systems we are always on the lookout for better ways to serve the billions of Empire citizens under our supervision. When Zeus Bureau inexplicably came under attack following the completion of their community goal EIC was more than happy to step into the system to offer its hundreds of thousands of citizens much needed stability. In return for this, and an extremely generous investement of resources, EIC was granted total control of the megaship. We hope this becomes…

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